A Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) is a valuable tool for analyzing traffic generated by proposed developments with new accesses or increased use of the existing accesses and the effect upon the surrounding road network. The outcome of the TIA identifies problem areas and main issues on the network that may increase the levels of congestion and that may require upgrading to increase traffic capacity and improve operational efficiency. The TIA is associated with the peak periods for traffic flows. TIA is also important for the developer to provide the best possible accessibility and operational efficiency with minimum travel delays to the end-users. Study also looks to minimize the adverse effect that the new development may cause on the existing and proposed highway network that may be affected by the development.
Traffic Consultants at AMConsult can assist in achieving your project objectives with a TIA study which will be focused on several key areas like;
- Evaluating the road network, traffic and mobility at the existing situation
- Including new developments in the area and their impact on the road network
- Estimating trip generation and distribution
- Determining best locations and layouts for access to the site
- Assessing junction capacity during the existing and future conditions
- Optimizing road network efficiency, reducing the adverse impact on congestion levels and highway safety concerns
- Proposing operational measures to accommodate the required traffic and receive approval from the relevant authorities